Note: All performances subject to change. Check website periodically for updated information.
有关门票或信息,请拨打每个活动列出的电话号码. Roane州立大学为每个活动提供场地,但不一定是赞助实体.
Arts and Lectures Event
RSCC Music Dept Concert
RSCC Playmakers/Children’s Theatre Event
Art Gallery Exhibit
HUMANITIES at Roane State Facebook page:
Seussical Jr.
Roane County Children’s Theatre Production
Performances Sept. 15 & 16, 7:00 pm
Princess Theatre, 421 N. Roane Street, Harriman
加入大象霍顿,戴帽子的猫,和更多你最喜欢的博士. Seuss characters in a musical adventure like no other! Reserved advanced seating:
Music and Melon
Babahatchie Band Concert on Sept. 17, 3:00 pm
David Webb Riverfront Park, 301 Emory Dr., Harriman
Community concert band performance. 流行音乐节目和狮子会提供的西瓜小吃.
Free Admission; Donations Accepted
Big Camera
Traveling photography vehicle visit on Sept. 18, 10:30-2:00 pm
Roane Co. 校园,276巴顿巷,哈里曼,教师停车场
Free Admission
Landscapes and Visions
Powers/Brown Art Gallery Exhibit from Aug. 16-Sept. 28
Closing Reception Sept. 28, 4:00 pm
Roane Co. campus, 276 Patton Lane, Harriman, O’Brien building
这是观赏前澳门皇家赌场学生David Stratton和David Harvey的作品的最后机会.
Free Admission
Midterm Recital
Solo Class performance on Oct. 5, 2:00 pm
O’Brien Theatre Lobby, 276 Patton Lane, Harriman
Free Admission
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Movie on Oct. 21, 7:00 pm
Princess Theatre, 421 N. Roane Street, Harriman
下午6点45分服装大游行开始(6点35分入场). 庆祝这部经典假日电影上映30周年! 由罗恩州立艺术与讲座委员会为您带来.
Free Admission
David Adkins
Halloween and Horror Lecture on Oct. 25, 6:30 pm
Oak Ridge Branch Campus, 701 Briarcliff Ave., Oak Ridge
加入RSCC兼职历史讲师大卫·阿德金斯在介绍假期的背景. 学生雕刻南瓜比赛的优胜者将在活动中选出并公布. 由罗恩州立艺术与讲座委员会为您带来.
Free Admission
A Collection of Works by Artist Theresa Lee
Powers/Brown Art Gallery
Opening Reception Nov. 11, 12:00-3:00 pm
Theresa Lee, mother of distinguished faculty Arthur Lee, 会出席她的绘画和其他作品作品展的开幕酒会吗. The show will run through February.
Showcase Concert
RSCC Music Program performance on Nov. 16, 4:00 pm
Princess Theatre, 421 N. Roane Street, Harriman
RSCC音乐节目合奏表演从古典音乐风格的合作音乐会, to pop, to Bluegrass.
Free Admission; Donations Accepted
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
Movie on Nov. 16, 7:00 pm
Princess Theatre, 421 N. Roane Street, Harriman
Doors open at 6:00pm. 尽早来欣赏RSCC音乐节目提供的音乐! 由罗恩州立艺术与讲座委员会为您带来.
Free Admission
They Promised Her The Moon
RSCC Playmakers Production
Performances Nov. 16-19
O’Brien Theatre, 276 Patton Lane, Harriman
Follow the story of Jerrie Cobb, 美国飞行员和飞行员,水星13号的一部分, 当她测试自己的能力,成为第一批女宇航员之一.
Advanced tickets available at:
Final Recital
Solo Class performance on Nov. 30, 2:00 pm
Princess Theatre, 421 N. Roane Street, Harriman
Free Admission
Mickey’s Christmas Carol
Movie on Nov. 30, 6:00 pm
Princess Theatre, 421 N. Roane Street, Harriman
In conjunction with Roane County Children's Theater, 艺术与讲座委员会将在哈里曼圣诞游行期间(晚上7-9点)放映这部家庭友好的节日经典。. 电影的第一次放映将于下午6点开始,并在整个游行中重播, with the last showing right after the parade ends.
Free Admission
Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa
Roane Choral Society Concert on Dec. 3, 3:00 pm
In collaboration with Roane State Concert Choir, 罗恩合唱团呈献本季第一场音乐会. 它带来了庆祝三个独特而相似的冬季节日传统的音乐, 以熟悉的萧伯纳/班尼特编曲《贝博体育》为特色.
Suggested $15 donation
Holiday Concert
Babahatchie Band Concert on Dec. 8, 7:00 pm
Princess Theatre, 421 N. Roane Street, Harriman
Community concert band performance. Holiday music program.
Free Admission; Donations Accepted
Humpty-Dumpty Is Missing! or The Mysterious Case of the Fallen Egg
Roane County Children’s Theatre Production
Performances Feb. 16 & 17, 7:00 pm
Princess Theatre, 421 N. Roane Street, Harriman
Sammy Scoop, a private investigator, 面对着他辉煌的职业生涯中最大的挑战,快乐的胖墩儿突然坠落并消失,显然他没有敌人. But Sammy and his sidekick, Alice from Dallas, 很快就找到了一份有动机的嫌疑人名单, perhaps, opportunity. 编剧约瑟夫·罗比内特,导演安娜·考克斯和丹尼尔·雷诺兹.
Ticket information TBD
Midterm Recital
Solo Class performance on Feb. 29, 2:00 pm
O’Brien Theatre Lobby, 276 Patton Lane, Harriman
Free Admission
Wind, Water, Earth
Roane Choral Society Concert on March 3, 3:00 pm
Princess Theatre, 421 N. Roane Street, Harriman
加入罗恩合唱团,与罗恩州立音乐会合唱团合作,因为他们唱的是贝博体育每天周围元素的著名音乐. 当我们停下来去看、去听、去感受时,毫不奇怪它们会激发出歌曲的灵感!
Suggested $15 donation
Sophomore Recital
RSCC Music Program performance on April 7, 3:00 pm
Princess Theatre, 421 N. Roane Street, Harriman
音乐专业的学生表演独奏音乐会节目,代表他们在RSCC的私人教学学期. 适用于科学音乐副学士学位课程和神圣音乐证书课程.
Free Admission
The Sound of Music
RSCC Playmakers Production
Performances April 11-14
O’Brien Theatre, 276 Patton Lane, Harriman
罗恩县的山麓上充满了音乐的气息! RSCC戏剧和音乐的学生与罗恩县儿童剧院和罗恩合唱团的成员和社区合作,表演有史以来最受欢迎的音乐剧之一! In Austria, 1938, 一位精力充沛的年轻女家庭教师给一个破碎的家庭带来了音乐和欢乐, 却要面对纳粹掌权后的危险和阴谋. 音乐和歌词由理查德·罗杰斯和奥斯卡·哈默斯坦二世与康科德剧院合作呈现, NY.
Tickets can be purchased here:
Showcase Concert
RSCC Music Program performance on April 17, 4:00 pm
Princess Theatre, 421 N. Roane Street, Harriman
RSCC音乐节目合奏表演从古典音乐风格的合作音乐会, to pop, to Bluegrass.
Free Admission; Donations Accepted
Final Recital
Solo Class performance on April 25, 2:00 pm
Princess Theatre, 421 N. Roane Street, Harriman
Free Admission
Past, Present, Future
Roane Choral Society Concert on May 3, 7:00 pm
Central United Methodist Church, 301 Hickory Creek Rd., Lenoir City
我们以代表时间的三部主要作品的节目来结束这一季, 包括约翰·拉特的《贝博体育》和上一季合作者的委托作品, Dr. Khyle Wooten. 我们很高兴能加入中国华人大学唱诗班和崇拜和音乐总监林赛·布洛克!
Suggested $15 donation
See the O'Brien Art Gallery for specific dates and exhibits.
Or contact:
Bryan Wilkerson
(865) 882-4649
Denise J. Cloyd • (865) 354-3000 ext. 4709 • Click name for email address
贝博体育不存在种族歧视, color, religion, creed, ethnicity or national origin, sex, disability, age, 作为受保护的退伍军人或受联邦或州法律法规保护的任何其他阶层,以及田纳西州董事会在就业方面的政策, programs, and activities. View full non-discrimination policy.