

  1. RSCC回家RSCC回家
  2. 贝博体育
  3. 金融援助
前进. 不要拖延你的未来! 马上申请! 注册在线课程或传统课程.前进. 不要拖延你的未来! 马上申请!. 注册在线课程或传统课程.
田纳西重新连接与承诺. 即将毕业的高中毕业生可以免交学费. 成人免学费.田纳西重新连接与承诺. 即将毕业的高中毕业生可以免交学费. 成人免学费.
提供在线学位. Online education gives you flexibility to take classes that fit your schedule.提供在线学位. Online education gives you flexibility to take classes that fit your schedule.


请参阅 美国救援计划法案(ARPA)页面 获取最新的紧急援助信息(2021年秋季).

贝博体育 disbursed emergency student assistance provided by the Coronavirus Aid, 救援, 和《贝博体育》将于5月18日开始实施, 2020. 同一周晚些时候,美国央行公布了最新的经济预期.S. Department of Education (USDOE) allowed for additional payments to a new population of students who were not eligible for the initial emergency aid payment. Those additional payments are expected to begin processing on 2020年6月3日. 这将是最后一笔付款,因为所有资金现已分配完毕.


The CARES Act Higher Education Emergency 救援 (HEERF) funding to higher education institutions is meant to assist students with unmet expenses as a result of COVID-19. Funds must be used to cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus, 如:

学生 exclusively enrolled in online courses prior to March 13, 2020 are not eligible. In accordance with the HEERF Certification and Agreement signed and returned to the USDOE, the institution will use no less than 50 percent of the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act to provide Emergency 金融援助 Grants to students.

HEERF I -付款方法

Our institution determined funds would be allocated to the largest number of students possible due to impacts of COVID-19 related events. 在教育部长德沃斯的指导下, 符合联邦佩尔资格的学生获得优先资助. 然而, 根据我们机构确定的标准, certain non-Federal Pell eligible students were also considered eligible for funding.



Any disbursed emergency grant funds will be released to students by either refund check or direct deposit, depending on if the student has an e-refund profile set up with the college. A payment is not necessarily a reflection of a student’s current student account balance, as these funds are disbursed directly to a student no matter if a current balance is owed to the institution.

学生 determined eligible for HEERF payments will receive a confirmation email from Roane State.




类别 数量
数量 of Title IV eligible students who may qualify for HEERF payments (Disbursement #1): 2432
Total amount of HEERF aid available for payments to students (prior to updated USDOE guidance): $1,657,191.00
Total amount of HEERF aid paid to eligible students (including added funds under updated USDOE guidance): $1,892,400.67
在支付期间支付的符合条件的学生人数: 2325
在支付期间支付的合格学生人数: 776
合资格学生总人数: 3101

Table is initially published no later than 30 days after the institution received HEERF funds and is updated every 45 days after. 下表提供了这些日期.

事件 日期
向美国能源部提交HEERF认证和协议的日期: 2020年4月24日
最初在线发布日期信息: 2020年5月18日
网站更新了美国能源部的新信息: 2020年6月3日
网站更新(第一个45天要求):  2020年6月30日*



Funds awarded under section 314(a) of the CRRSAA must be reserved to provide students with financial aid grants, which may be used for any component of the student’s cost of attendance or for emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus, 比如学费, 食物, 住房, 保健(包括精神保健)或儿童保育.

如果学校获得学生的书面(或电子), 肯定同意, an institution is permitted to apply these grants directly to the student’s institutional account; however, students must be informed that they retain the option to receive a direct disbursement of the financial aid grant and that an institution may not require that the grant be applied to the student’s account.

不像《贝博体育》, the CRRSAA requires that institutions prioritize students with exceptional need, 比如获得联邦佩尔助学金的学生, 向学生发放助学金. 然而, students do not need to be Federal Pell recipients or students who are eligible for Federal Pell grants to be identified as having exceptional need. 除了, the CRRSAA explicitly provides that financial aid grants to students may be provided to students exclusively enrolled in distance education.

HEERF II -付款方法

Our institution determined funds would be allocated to the largest number of students possible due to impacts of COVID-19 related events. Following USDOE’s guidance, 符合联邦佩尔资格的学生获得优先资助. 然而, 根据我们机构确定的标准, certain non-Federal Pell eligible students were also considered eligible for funding.

HEERF II -支付流程

Any disbursed emergency grant funds will be released to students by either refund check or direct deposit, depending on if the student has an e-refund profile set up with the college.

A payment is not necessarily a reflection of a student’s current student account balance, as these funds are disbursed directly to a student no matter if a current balance is owed to the institution.

学生 determined eligible for HEERF payments will receive a confirmation email from the college.




类别 数量
符合资格领取第二阶段高等教育资助基金的学生人数: 3,165
可向学生支付的第二阶段高等教育基金资助总额: $1,657,191.00
向合资格学生发放的第二阶段高等教育资助计划总金额: $1,669,445.86
合资格学生总人数: 3,165

* This is the final quarterly posting covering all remaining HEERF fund expenditures for Section 18004(a)(1) Student Portion funds.


Heerf - arp

Student HEERF funds awarded under the ARP must be reserved to provide students with financial aid grants, which may be used for any component of the student’s cost of attendance or for emergency costs that arise due to coronavirus, 比如学费, 食物, 住房, 保健(包括精神保健)或儿童保育.

如果学校获得学生的书面(或电子), 肯定同意, an institution is permitted to apply these grants directly to the student’s institutional account; however, students must be informed that they retain the option to receive a direct disbursement of the financial aid grant and that an institution may not require that the grant be applied to the student’s account.

The ARP requires that institutions prioritize students with exceptional need, 比如获得联邦佩尔助学金的学生, 向学生发放助学金. 然而, students do not need to be Federal Pell recipients or students who are eligible for Federal Pell grants to be identified as having exceptional need.


Our institution determined funds would be allocated to the largest number of students possible due to impacts of COVID-19 related events. Following USDOE’s guidance, 符合联邦佩尔资格的学生获得优先资助. 然而, 根据我们机构确定的标准, certain non-Federal Pell eligible students were also considered eligible for funding.


Any disbursed emergency grant funds will be released to students by either refund check or direct deposit, depending on if the student has an e-refund profile set up with the college. 学生 were provided the option to authorize payment towards current account balances, 但这不是资格的必要条件.
A payment is not necessarily a reflection of a student’s current student account balance, as these funds are disbursed directly to a student no matter if a current balance is owed to the institution, unless the student provided authorization for application to account balances.
学生 determined eligible for HEERF payments will receive a confirmation email from the college.



截至2022年3月的HEERF III付款分配信息

类别 数量
符合资格领取高等教育资助计划第三期资助的学生人数: 6,180
高等教育资助计划第三期学生可获资助的总额: $6,129,799.00
向合资格学生发放的高等教育资助计划第三期资助总额: $6,265,636.28
合资格学生总人数: 6,180


学生可以通过电子邮件提交问题 cares@q8yellowpages.com. 我们的关怀行动小组通常会在两个工作日内作出回应.


Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting under CARES Act Sections 18004(a)(1) Institutional Portion, 18004(a)(2), 和18004 (a) (3).


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